Saturday, 4 July 2015

Hi, You Are Beautiful


Hello ! Today is not the best day. Today is one of those days everyone dreads but most go through... I am sad maybe even depressed, neglected but most of all, pressured to have a good day. Today has been an emotional wreck for me, a roller coaster of being happy then instantaneously sad.

I realised the only way for me to have a good day, is to just have a day I can get through. Try to smile but most importantly just to get through this. Remember that everyone has these days and they are inescapable but the only way to get rid of them is in your hands. Change the way you think of the situation, change your attitude to one that sees the bright side to everything because the only thing that making you sad is yourself and how you see the problem if there actually is one.

Imagine your idol, know that they go through these days coming out the better end and if they can, you can too !

If you know something that makes you happy or lights a spark within you do it or at least distract yourself. Go to the people you know will support you like your family to friends and block out the people who are causing you this sadness.

So if you are reading this and you are having a bad day like I am, I want to tell you something, today is just one day. No matter how sad or angry or guilty you are, time still moves forward and as it does so will your emotions. Try to turn the situation around and if the cause of your sadness is a person, be nice to them. I know it is hard but you have no idea what they can be going through. If you treat others the way you want to be treated and inject happiness to the world, trust me you will have a lot less of these types of days. I want you to know that you are beautiful and no one should be judged for what the like, the sex they love or how we look because who gets to decide what the perfect human looks like or acts like if you know ... I'd like to meet them and ask them who they are to put other people down for not being what hey see in their eyes as a 'perfect person'. Perfect is overrated or at least misunderstood.'Perfect' is not being what everyone else expects you to be because you cannot please everyone (especially those who put you down *don't go to the effort to impress them*), being perfect is about being who you are so please feel happy about that :) . 

I hope this helped and made you feel better because I do know .. A lot !!



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