Saturday, 15 August 2015

Winter The Dolphin

Winter's Tale

Winter wearing her prosthetic tail

At only three months old, Winter was found stranded in Mosquito Lagoon near Cape Canaveral, Florida, having become entangled in a crab trap line which cut off circulation to her tail flukes. After disentaglement, she was transported to CMA (Clearwater Marine Aquarium) for treatment of her extensive injuries. However, despite exhaustive efforts to promote healing, her tail deteriorated and could not be saved. 

Her story is unusual, most dolphins trapped in crab trap lines do not survive. Despite overwhelming odds against survival, Winter's energy and ability to adapt to her new physical from surpassed expectations. She healed completely, adapted to a new swim pattern and learned to eat fish on her own ... about 12 pounds a day !!

Winter was one of the most difficult cases for CMA. Her story is a bittersweet realization of the dangers faced by animals as a result of human activities in the wild. 

Check out for more information and guess what !! you can see Winter and her buddy Hope live on the webcam !! How cool is that arghh I am never leaving this website ever again !! hahaha
See you guys later !!



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