Monday 10 November 2014

25 Facts About Me

                           25 FACTS ABOUT ME !!

  1. When i was younger , i wanted to grow up to be a cheerleader *im not even flexible*
  2. I have weird finger nails
  3. My favourite food is sushi 
  4. My favourite colour is turquoise and teal and mint blue   #perf
  5. I haven't had any stitches or any broken bone !
  6. My favourite animal is dolphin
  7. I'm really afraid of bugs especially spiders
  8. I dont like to read books or study
  9. I cry a lot hahaha
  10. When i was younger, my sister tried to teach me how to swim but i nearly drowned her !
  11. I collect lip balms and lip gloss
  12. I really want to wear braces but im too scared
  13. I dont have pierced ears... im scared
  14. I have never ever been to any concert before
  15. Ariel is my favourite disney princess
  16. I wash my hair everyday (i know its not good for your hair)
  17. The first 3D movie that i watch was The Christmas Carol
  18. I once pee on my dad's head
  19. I can never collect my money ... i will use them
  20. I used to collect silly bandz
  21. I dont like when people talk about me 
  22. I feel really miserable when the temperature is hot
  23. I'm grumpy when im hungry or tired
  24. My hair is too thick
  25. I don't drink gassy drinks / soda cause it sucks 

hopefully this shed some lights as to who i am as a person or at least maybe made you laugh at some of the things i have done!


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