Monday, 31 August 2015

Long Distance Friendship


Long distance friendship is a relationship between partners who are geographically isolated from one another. Partners in long distance friendships or relationships face geographic separation and lack of face to face contact. 

Friendship isn't defined by how often you see the person or how often you talk to him/her.While those are all key components that help to build friendships, every once in a while,you can come across a person with whom you have an immediate connection.

These connections are heartfelt connections, in other words, you just vibe. These are the people you can go months without speaking to and it's never awkward when you pick up the phone call and chat or when you reunite face to face. These are the people you run into unexpectedly, and it makes your day better.

However, certain circumstances can test the relationships you have with said people. You won't be running into one another because of the physical distance between you, for example, an ocean between the two of you adds a small deterrent to your friendship/relationship.


  • Your bond grows stronger  - When there is a time difference, you'll have to have conversations that aren't convenient for you. You make sacrifices, and the conversation that wakes you up at 4 am is always worth it. 
  • The computer becomes your best friend  - The art of letter hasn't been lost, but your computer and the internet can help your friendship. The connection will always be there.
  • You always have something to look forward to  - You may not know when or how long it will be, but you know you will cross paths in the future.
  • You establish a forever friend  - Friends come and go but every once in a while, you'll meet someone who will be with you for life.
  • You laugh about old times  - You have many memories in the past and you look forward to the ones that will come in the future.
  • You never get into fights  - You aren't going to waste time fighting because time is too precious and you don't  have anything to argue about anyway.
  • You can still make each other laugh  
  • You can think of the past but also the future  
  • You always have a place to stay
  • Your BFF makes you proud of yourself 

While long distance friendship can sometimes be complicated and hard, you realize you have a soul mate, no matter if he or she is 4,000 miles away. For that, you are grateful.

See you guys later !!
Bye !


Saturday, 22 August 2015


Bottlenose Dolphins

  • Bottlenose dolphins can swim up to 260 m below the surface of the ocean. However, they need quick access to air in the surface, bottlenose dolphins usually are shallow divers and close to the surface.
  • They can stay up to 15 minutes under water. But they usually stay only a few minutes diving.
  • Bottlenose dolphins can grow up to 2.8 meters. There are some other smaller species but there are some species much bigger, just like the killer whale.
  • Warm blooded. Their internal temperature is around 36 degrees. 
  • Their average brain weighs 1500-1600  grams. 
  • They are great communicators.
  • Bottlenose dolphins can swim 5 to 12 kilometers per hour.
  • Both young and old dolphins chase one another, carry objects around, toss seaweed to one another, and use objects to invite each other to interact. Such activity may be practice for catching food.
  • Bottlenose dolphins can live for more than 40 years. However an average lifespan for a bottlenose dolphin is 25 years.
  • They usually travel in groups, called 'pods'. Around 10-15.
  • It breathes through a 'blowhole'. A hole at the top of its head.

Want more facts about dolphins ?


See you guys later !!


Saturday, 15 August 2015

Winter The Dolphin

Winter's Tale

Winter wearing her prosthetic tail

At only three months old, Winter was found stranded in Mosquito Lagoon near Cape Canaveral, Florida, having become entangled in a crab trap line which cut off circulation to her tail flukes. After disentaglement, she was transported to CMA (Clearwater Marine Aquarium) for treatment of her extensive injuries. However, despite exhaustive efforts to promote healing, her tail deteriorated and could not be saved. 

Her story is unusual, most dolphins trapped in crab trap lines do not survive. Despite overwhelming odds against survival, Winter's energy and ability to adapt to her new physical from surpassed expectations. She healed completely, adapted to a new swim pattern and learned to eat fish on her own ... about 12 pounds a day !!

Winter was one of the most difficult cases for CMA. Her story is a bittersweet realization of the dangers faced by animals as a result of human activities in the wild. 

Check out for more information and guess what !! you can see Winter and her buddy Hope live on the webcam !! How cool is that arghh I am never leaving this website ever again !! hahaha
See you guys later !!




Vaquita !!

What is a vaquita ? Vaquita is a rare species of porpoise. Porpoises are small toothed whales, very closely related to oceanic dolphins. They are distinct from dolphins although the word 'porpoise' has been used to refer to any small dolphins. The most obvious visible difference between the two groups is that porpoises have shorter beaks and flattened, spade-shaped teeth distinct from the conical teeth of dolphins. But right now, i'm not here to talk about porpoises, i'm here to talk about vaquitas, they are critically endangered !

The estimated number of individuals dropped below 100 in 2014, putting imminent danger of extinction ! The vaquita has taken on the title of the most endangered cetacean in the world. 

The vaquita lives in shallow lagoons along the shoreline. It is usually found in waters 10-28 m (33-92') deep within 25 km from shore. Although it can survive in lagoons so shallow that its back protrudes above the water. Other characteristics of its habitats are strong tidal mixing and high productivity of the aquatic plant and animal communities.

Length : females - up to 1.5 m, males - up to 1.4 m.
Weight : up to 55 kg.

Lets save the vaquita ! It is so cute how can people kill these cuties ?! We really don't want another species to extinct right ? Since the lipotes vexilifer, known as baiji believed to have gone extinct by 2006. So sad !!

Check out 

for more information and click on that link if you want to save these cuties. !!
