Thursday, 12 November 2015

Things That Annoy Me

Hello !

So today i'm bored and I decided to post things that annoy me cause I realized that I get annoyed easily and basically i'm annoyed at every single thing, well not everything, but most of them so I decided to list them down. Why not ? okay ? okay. bye hahaha. 

So .....
  1. When people pick on my food. God, I hate it when people eat my food. Why can't they eat their own food.
  2. When people don't listen to what I say or they ignore me when i'm talking about something. Damn, I hate it. You have ears right ?
  3. I get annoyed easily when the temperature is high. Especially when i'm sweating and people starts to touch me or sit near me. Just, euw.
  4. People that loveeeeee to laugh at my grumpy-ness or what I like to do ugh. Dude, it's not freaking funny.
  5. When people eat really loud slash people that munch with their mouth open. 
  6. That awkward silence between you and that person sitting beside / in front of you. 
  7. Racist people 
  8.  Liars
  9. Stubbing your toe. That is .... annoying
  10. Paper cuts 
  11. When people barge into my room. Gosh, don't you know there is a word called 'knocking' ??
  12. And with that, that person leaves, with with the door open. Just.... fml
  13. Mosquito. Ughh
  14. Smokers that smokes in public. Dear smokers, if you wanna smoke, go away, I don't want to end up getting sick like you.
  15. People who pretend to know things when they actually don't.
  16. When girls call themselves fat when they're actually really skinny. Like what ?!? if you're fat then what am I ? obese ? 
  17. When people wear jumpers or shirt that says 'geek' on it.  WHY WHY WHY 
  18. Tangled wires and necklaces
  19. When people sit next to you when there is tons of opens seats, but they decided to sit next to you. Hmph.

I realized that I put two same pictures in one grid haha 

Okay okay that's it cause I can actually list down 300 things that annoy me hahahahaha 

Goodbye !!!


Sunday, 1 November 2015



Wait what ?! I'm turning 14 again ?!?! nehh just kidding, different Aisyah guys ! But yes, we have the same name. 
First, happy birthday queen !! stay cool and don't be such a diva okay. I miss you so much and i'm looking forward to meet you in, ummm erkkk I don't know when but I  miss you so much ! thank you for being such a great friend for 9 years !! Remember when teachers used to call you Aisyah number two and i'm Aisyah number one hahaha. We basically do everything together last time. Study hard for your next examination .... PT3 I guess .. and may Allah bless you with happiness and stay happy and stay chubby. Oh My God, even though you're not obsessed with Caspar and Joe, i'm gonna make you. Trust me. Sometime when we grow up, we'll go on a separate way. Just like a fork, but trust me, one day, I'm gonna see you on the Tv or something. Live your live girl, don't let the haters eat you with their nasty words. Look at me, idgaf right hahaha just kidding just kidding. I miss our group, like seriously. Meeting you is one of the best things that has happened to me. You'll grow up to be someone special yea ? and study hard, don't have to date guys yet cause they're boring trust me !!  hahaha okay okay im not gonna type an essay cause this is not english exam sooo later !!!! Love You !!!!


Saturday, 31 October 2015


Hello Guys ! 

So lately i've been so down and depressed, I myself don't know why. My sisters have been so mean to me for example, my third sister lives with us and whenever my second sister is not at home or she's at work, she'll act so nice and we'll do everything together and it's like we're sisters. But when my sec sister is at home, she doesn't even notice me, she acts like im no one, like im not important. She'll ask me to do stuffs for her and it feels like i'm nobody. It hurts. And sometimes she'll scold me for not doing things that she wants me to do. Sometimes it feels like, I don't know. I hate this feeling. Most people would think i'm stupid or weirdly depressed but some of you just don't understand. I kept thinking what would it be like if I don't exist. Will they be happier ? Sad ?  
I hate it. Honestly, at this point I don't care what other people think of me, suicidal or depressed. Yes, I cut. So what ?! I don't want to hide anymore, i'm tired. There's just one word i've always wanted to say it out loud and when I say loud, I mean loud really loud like I want to shout my hearts out. The word is 'HELP'. I need help, help me, get me out of this. But remember, things happen for a reason. Look at the bright side. 



Hello Cupcakes !

I am back omg. I am just so happy, i'm finally free ! No more finals ! yassssssss 

Alright let's get back to work yeah ?

Today i'm going to talk about fake friends. Basically, we all have one yes at least one fake friend unless you don't talk. But we all have one right ? Am I right ? 
Well sometimes even your best friend is fake. Sometimes they are not sincere with you, and I have one friend. She USED to be my best friend .. for three and a half years (roughly). And we're close, it felt like we're sisters and we basically do everything together. What I didn't know is, she's fake, she talk bad about me when she's with her friends and she calls my friends coward and other different names. Yes, we don't go to the same school. But it's okay. I don't  even know her friends but at least I don't talk bad about her friends behind her back but she doesn't even know my friends and she talks about them behind my back and when I found out about that, I was furious. She's just so fake, clearly. And we fought. We hate her ... she wants to actually say that we're losers and she's the popular one .. just because you have 800++ followers on social medias, doesn't mean you're famous and she's trying to make me and my friends jealous by seeing her go out with her friends. Honestly, I was upset at first, but then i realized that she is not even important and she's clearly fake. And she decided to block me on instagram and such. But what she doesn't know is I have five accounts ,, yikes ,, ouch. Well guys, make sure your friends are real, make sure they're no fake.

Here's 7 Ways To Spot A Fake Friend !

  • They make you feel guilty for not hanging out with them. EUW.
  • They constantly make promises they can never keep. LIAR.
  • They expect you to drop everything so you can cater to their needs. CLINGY.
  • They always puff up their own importance. SELFISH.
  • They mock you and compliment you at the same time because ... passive - aggressive.
  • They gossip endlessly about others. WASTE.
  • They only see you as a means to an end. WHUT.

So there you go, Fake Friends are annoying huh ? 

I'll update soon !

Love ya !


Tuesday, 22 September 2015


The Butterfly Project has been created for self harmers who feel they are ready to stop and need the motivation or support to do so. This is how this project works. 

•When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your wrist.

•Name the butterfly after a loved one or someone that really wants you to get better.

•You must let the butterfly fade naturally. No scrubbing it off !

•If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you've killed it, if you don't cut, it lives.

•If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them.

•Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them.

•Even if you don't cut, feel free to draw a butterfly to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that cuts or is suffering right now and tell them. It could help. 

My friend Sarah told me about this project and I went home searched about it and I decided to give it a try and surprisingly it worked and now, I want you guys to give it a try 💪

#thebutterflyproject and tag me on instagram @aisyah8701 okay ! Byee 💖


Thursday, 3 September 2015

I Have A Question For You Guys

Great white shark vs Killer whales 

 Who do you think will win and why 

I've been thinking about this for quite along time and I need answers cause I can't find them. 


Monday, 31 August 2015

Long Distance Friendship


Long distance friendship is a relationship between partners who are geographically isolated from one another. Partners in long distance friendships or relationships face geographic separation and lack of face to face contact. 

Friendship isn't defined by how often you see the person or how often you talk to him/her.While those are all key components that help to build friendships, every once in a while,you can come across a person with whom you have an immediate connection.

These connections are heartfelt connections, in other words, you just vibe. These are the people you can go months without speaking to and it's never awkward when you pick up the phone call and chat or when you reunite face to face. These are the people you run into unexpectedly, and it makes your day better.

However, certain circumstances can test the relationships you have with said people. You won't be running into one another because of the physical distance between you, for example, an ocean between the two of you adds a small deterrent to your friendship/relationship.


  • Your bond grows stronger  - When there is a time difference, you'll have to have conversations that aren't convenient for you. You make sacrifices, and the conversation that wakes you up at 4 am is always worth it. 
  • The computer becomes your best friend  - The art of letter hasn't been lost, but your computer and the internet can help your friendship. The connection will always be there.
  • You always have something to look forward to  - You may not know when or how long it will be, but you know you will cross paths in the future.
  • You establish a forever friend  - Friends come and go but every once in a while, you'll meet someone who will be with you for life.
  • You laugh about old times  - You have many memories in the past and you look forward to the ones that will come in the future.
  • You never get into fights  - You aren't going to waste time fighting because time is too precious and you don't  have anything to argue about anyway.
  • You can still make each other laugh  
  • You can think of the past but also the future  
  • You always have a place to stay
  • Your BFF makes you proud of yourself 

While long distance friendship can sometimes be complicated and hard, you realize you have a soul mate, no matter if he or she is 4,000 miles away. For that, you are grateful.

See you guys later !!
Bye !
